Below are some important tables frequently used in query's in Oracle Apps for Fixed Assets module.
FA_ADDITIONS_B Descriptive information about assets
FA_ADDITIONS_TL Translated Descriptive information about assets
FA_ADJUSTMENTS Adjustment information on assets user by
General Ledger to create journal entry lines
in the general ledger
FA_ASSET_HISTORY Historical information about asset
reclassification and unit adjustments
FA_ASSET_INVOICES Accounts payable and purchasing information
for each asset
FA_BOOKS Financial information of each asset
FA_BOOK_CONTROLS Control information that affects all assets
in a depreciation book
FA_CALENDAR_PERIODS Detailed calendar information
FA_CATEGORIES_B Default financial information for asset
FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS Default financial information for an asset
category and depreciation book combination
FA_DEPRN_DETAIL Depreciation amounts charged to the
depreciation expense account in each
distribution line
FA_DEPRN_PERIODS Information about each depreciation period
FA_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNTS Table to store account ccids for all
FA_DEPRN_PERIODS Information about each depreciation period
FA_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNTS Table to store account ccids for all
distributions for a book
FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Employee, location, and Accounting Flexfield
FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Employee, location, and Accounting Flexfield
values assigned to each asset
FA_RETIREMENTS Information about asset retirements and
FA_RETIREMENTS Information about asset retirements and